Programme Outcomes (B. A.):

After completing B.A. degree progrmmes, students will be able to:

PO1: Acquaint students with the past and present of India and the World.

PO2:Impart a critical understanding of Indian society, economy, polity, and culture through a historical perspective.

PO3: Prepare students for arrange of careers.

PO4: Stimulate intellectual curiosity and research attitude in the students.

PO5: Introduce the various Indian and foreign traditions of history writing.

РО6: Describe new trends in the contest of Indian as well as world.

PO7: Explain Socio-Eco-Political movements and civil society activities in India and Maharashtra.

PO8: Establish a center for Historical studies, Research and Cultural heritage in near future.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs):


PSO1: Explain the basic themes, concepts, chronology and the Scope of Indian History.

PSO2: Acquaint with ranges of issues related to Indian History that span distinct eras.

PSO3: Explain the History of countries other than India with comparative approach.

PSO4:Apply for various types of Competitive Examinations.

PSO5: Critically recognize the Social, Political, Economic and Cultural aspects of History.

PSO6: Identify how the Indian culture had been contributed to the world human civilization through the Ages.

 Course Outcomes (COs):

Semester: I

Paper: I- Rise of Maratha Power (1600 – 1707)

CO1: Explain the role of the Chh. Shivaji Maharaj in Maratha Empire.

CO2: Describe the primary aim ot introduce students ot History of the rise of Maratha power.

CO3: Explain the sacrifices made by the Maratha leaders and the people to protect freedom and sovereignty of the region.

CO4: Describe relations about the contribution of Chh. Sambhaji, Chh. Rajaram and Maharani Tarabi.

CO5: Critically analyze sources of Maratha History: Sanskrit, Marathi, Persian, English and Portuguese.

Semester: II

Paper: II-Polity, Society and Economy under the Marathas (1600 – 1707)

CO6: Explain Chh. Shivaji Maharaj established Maratha state and initiated fundamental changes.

CO7: Explain the Political, Socio-economic and Cultural life of the people.

CO8: Describe the economies system agriculture industry and trade.

CO9: Critical analyze Society and religion ni Maratha period.

CO10: Describe the contribution of Chh. Shivaji Maharaj in administration, Management, Trade, Agriculture and Religion.

Semester: III

Paper: III – History of Modern Maharashtra (1900 to 1960)

CO11: Explain the beginnings and growth of nationalist consciousness in Maharashtra.

CO12: Explain the contribution of Maharashtra to the national movement.

CO13: Discuss the various movements of the peasants, workers, women and backward classes.

CO14: Describe the background and events which led to the formation of separate state of Maharashtra.

Paper: IV – History of India (1757 to 1857)

CO15: Acquaint the significant events leading ot establishment of the rule of East India Company.

CO16: Describe the colonial policy adopted by the company to consolidate its rule in India.

CO17: Explain the structural changes initiated by colonial rule ni Indian economy.

CO18: Explain the various revolts against rule of the East India Company.

Semester IV

Paper: V- History of Modern Maharashtra (1960 to 2000)

CO19: Acquaint the contribution of eminent leaders of Maharashtra.

CO20: Describe the economic transformation of Maharashtra.

CO21: Explain the salient features of changes in society.

CO22: Explain the growth of education.

Paper: VI – History of Freedom Struggle (1858 – 1947)

CO23: Explain the events related to the growth of nationalism in India.

CO24: Acquaint himself with major events of the freedom struggle under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.

CO25: Explain the contribution of Revolutionaries, Left Movement and Indian NationalArmy.

CO26: Describe the concept of Communalism and his effects on partition ofIndia.

Semester: V

Paper: VII – Early India (from beginning to 4th c. BC)

CO27:  Explain the transition of humans in India from Hunters to Farmers.

CO28:  Explain the transition from Early to Later Vedic period.

CO29: Clarify the causes for the first and second urbanizations.

CO30: Discuss of the teachings of Gautama Buddha and Vardhaman Mahavira.

CO31: Describe the rise and growth of the Mauryan Empire.

CO32: Explain the salient features of Ashoka’s Dhamma.

Paper: VIII – History of Medieval India (1206-1526 AD)

CO7: Describe the different types of historical sources available for writing the history of medieval India.

CO33: Explain the contributions of medieval rulers.

CO34: Discuss of administration and economy of the Delhi sultanate & Vijayanagar Empire.

CO35: Elucidate significant developments which took place in religion, society &Culture.

Paper: IX – Age of Revolutions

CO36:-Explain the causes and consequences of the Reformation.

CO37: Discuss of the role played by Martin Luther.

CO38: Explain the salient features of the Industrial revolution.

CO39: Define American Revolution.

CO40: Explain the causes, effects and major events of French Revolution.

CO41: Explain the role of French Revolution leaders.

Paper: X- Political History of the Marathas (1707-1818)

CO42: Describe the political conditions of the Marathas up to the year 1740

CO43: Explain the role of Balaji Bajirao.

CO44: Explain the establishment of Karveer state, political significance of the treaty of Warna and relations between Chhatrapati of Karveer and the British.

CO45: Explain the causes and effects of the Battle of Panipat and decline of Maratha power.

CO46: Describe the Peshwa-Karveer-Nizam relations.

CO47:Describe and evaluate the contribution of Chhatrapati Sambhaji I and Maharani Jijabai of Karveer.

Paper: XI – History: It’s Theory

CO48: Define and explain the scope of the History.

CO49: Describe the process of acquiring historical data.

CO50: Explain the process of presenting and writing history.

CO51: Explain the methods adopted for history writing.

Semester: VI

Paper: XII – Ancient India (From 4th c. BC to 7th c. AD)

CO52: Describe the Political, Economic and Religious developments in early India.

CO53: Explain the role played by Major Satavahana, Kushana, Gupta and Vakataka Kings.

CO54: Discuss of the developments in the Post-Gupta period.

CO55: Explain the society and culture of Ancient India.

Paper: XIII – History of Medieval India (1526-1707 AD)

CO56: Describe the various sources for writing of Medieval Indian history.

CO57: Explain the role of Medieval Indian rulers.

CO58: Differences between the administrative and revenue system.

CO59: Describe the nature of Industry and trade in Medieval Period.

CO60: Explain the developments in religion, society and culture.

Paper: XIV – Making of the Modern World (16th to 19th Century)

CO61: Describe the causes and consequences of the Glorious revolution in England.

CO62: Explain the concept of Nationalism and account for its rise and spread.

CO63: Describe the unification of Italy and Germany.

CO64: Discuss of the rise, growth and impact of Imperialism.

CO65: Explain the significance of the Partition of Africa.

CO66: Describe the life and thoughts of leaders.

Paper: XV – Polity, Economy, and Society under the Marathas

CO67: Describe the various sources for writing the history of the Marathas.

CO68: Explain the significant developments in the polity of the Marathas.

CO67: Describe the economic conditions.

CO68: Explain the social conditions.

Paper: XVI -Methods and Applications of History

CO69: Explain the nature of archival sources.

CO70: Clarify the recent trends in history.

CO71: Describe the application of history ni museums.

CO72: Explain the concept and scope of heritage tourism.

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