1.1.HEI to provide the list of student program wise, category wise, academic year wise for all the assessment year duly certified by the head of HEI. |
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2.2. HEI to provide the list of full time teachers with date of joining and date of leaving the institution academic year wise during last five years duly certified by the head of HEI; Also HEI needs to provide the scanned copy of the joining/offer letters of the following teachers: 1) Parlekar Sampatrao Ramcahndra 2)Hanumante Gajanan Shrikant 3)Yadav Dhanashree Arjun 4)Suryawanshi Harshada Shashikant 5)Mokashi Digvijay Suresh. |
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3.1. HEI needs to refer to income and Expenditure statement and include all the expenses incurred in a year along with capital Expenditure and exclude salary components, and provide updated figures for all under the stamp and signature of the Finance Officer/head of HEI; HEI to also provide copy of Income Expenditure statement highlighting the heads. |
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1.2.1. Values has been updated as the repetition of value added courses in every academic year during the assessment period will be consider as one as per NAAC SOP; HEI to provide approval letter for starting the value added course; Also HEI to provide circular, brochure, report, syllabus covered, attendance sheet duly signed by attendees for the following value added course: 1) Medical Laboratory technology, (2023-24) 2)Basics Of Java Script, (2023-24) 3) Lekhan Koushalya, (2022-23) 4)Basic Foundation of Tour Management, (2021-22) 5)District Administration, (2021-22). |
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1.2.2. It is observed that HEI has not provided the list of student enrolled in VAC; HEI to provide the list of student enrolled course wise, academic year wise for all the assessment years duly certified by the head of HEI; HEI needs to provide legible copy of attendance sheet for all the courses academic year wise; Also HEI to provide the course completion certificate of the students. |
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1.3.2 Value has been updated as one student involved in multiple field works/internship in the same academic session will be count as one as per NAAC SOP; And also excluding student from “Field work “as it seems to be field visit; HEI needs to provide project report, Internship completion certificate / project work completion certificate from the organization where internship / project was completed of the following students: 1) Pawar Prajakta Baburao , (M.Com II) 2)Phadatare Nikita Ravindra, (B. A. III (English)) 3) Nayana Bhagvan Salunkhe, (B.Com II (EVS)) 4)Nayana Bhagvan Salunkhe, (B.Com II (EVS)) 5)Kolekar Vaibhav Dinkar, (B. A. III (English)) 6)Kolekar Vaibhav Dinkar, (B.A. II (EVS)) 7)Malwade Pallavi Arun, (M. Sc I (Zoo)) 8)Sathe Ramesh Jaysing, (BBA III). |
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1.4.1 HEI to provide the document showing the communication with the affiliating university of the stakeholders |
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2.1.1 HEI to provide sanction letter for the sanction intake from the affiliating university duly certified by the head of HEI, highlighting the relevant figures only. |
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2.1.2 Values have been updated as per the allocation of seats for reservation of metric no.; And also Values updated in considering the 49.5 % reservation as per the sanction letter issued by the state government. |
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2.2.1 HEI to provide certify list of students as well as certify list of teachers for latest academic year. |
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2.4.1 HEI has to provide an academic year-wise sanction letter (in English) indicating the number of posts by affiliating university duly certified by the competent authority |
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2.4.2. HEI needs to provide 1. Joining letter, 2. E-copy of Certificate award of highest degree such as Doctorate or Masters by UGC-recognized universities of the following faculty: 1)Salunkhe Rajaram Shankar, (2023-24) 2) Patil Satyawan Subrao, (2022-23) 3)Shendage Vithoba Mahadev, (2021-22) 4) Shesabhare Sudhir Yashwant, (2020-21) 5) Wagh Shankuntala Pratap, (2019-20) |
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3.1.1 HEI has not provided any evidences to the receiving of grant from govt agency the claim (2023-2018); HEI has to provide the Sanction letter of grants by the funding agency is mandatory to support the claim. |
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3.2.2 Values have been updated as per the supporting documents provided in the weblink; HEI to provide brochure / circular of the workshop/seminar conducted also provide Geo-tagged photos with date and caption, attendance sheet and details of resource person of the workshop/ seminar conducted; HEI to provide link to the detailed report for each program as per the claim; HEI to provide participation certificates of top 10 students for following programs: 1) One Day Webinar on New Career Avenue after Graduation and Post-Graduation, (2023-24 2) One Day Workshop On Use Of English In Competitive Examination, (2023-24) 3)Workshop on Entrepreneurship Guidance, (2022-23) 4) One Day Online International Interdisciplinary Conference on Multiculturalism in Contemporary Literature, (2021-22) 5) One Day Workshop On Research in Local History, (2019-20). |
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3.3.1 Values have been updated excluding the journals not found on UGC care list / scopus indexed as it has not been considered as per NAAC SOP; Also exclude the research papers published beyond the assessment period; HEI to provide link landing to the research paper , journal website for each research paper claimed. |
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3.3.2 Values have been updated as the ISBN no. not found and book without ISBN no. has not been considered; HEI to provide Cover page, content page, and the first page of the publications/chapter claimed highlighting the name of HEI, author name, year of publication /addition of the following books: 1) Soft Skills for Future career, (2023-24) 2) Mahavidyaliyan vidyathanchya bhashik kaushalycha vikas, (2023-24) 3)Effect of Mobile Electromagnetic Radiation on Human Health, (2022-23) 4)Diversity and Distribution of Freshwater Fish Fauna of Krishna River, Western Maharashtra, Southern India, (2021-22) 5)Management principles and application B.Com I Paper II (Editor), (2019-20). |
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3.4.3 Values have been updated excluding the days celebration like yoga day, national festival, women’s day etc. and events conducted for the benefit of own students are not outreach programs; HEI needs to provide attendance sheet duly signed by attendees, geo tagged photos with date and caption, link to the detailed report for each outreach program against the following activities/programs, (as per the data template provided by the HEI), claimed at: 1) Z. P. Modern School and Cremation Ground, Sawantpur Cleaning Program, (2023-24) 2)Tree Plantation Program, (2022-23) 3)Distribution of Masks, Sanitizer and Food, (2020-21) 4)Bus Stand Palus Cleaning Program, (2019-20). |
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3.5.1 HEI has to provide complete MoU hence it has not been considered ; HEI to provide List of activities conducted under each MoUs with start date and end date year-wise duly certified by both parties as a downloadable pdf. |
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4.1.2 Values have been updated excluding the expenditure on acquisition of library books, maintenance of infrastructure as it has not been considered as per NAAC SOP; HEI needs to provide copy of audited income expenditure statement with breakup highlighting the expenditure for infrastructure development for all the assessment years duly certified by the CA and head of HEI. |
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4.3.2 Values have been updated as per the purchase bill, only considering no. of computers therein. |
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4.4.1 HEI needs to provide legible copy of audited income expenditure statement highlighting the Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component for all the assessment years duly certified by CA and Head of HEI. |
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5.1.1 HEI has provided the “Lists Of Student Benefits by Scholarship and Freeship” for all the five AYs that fall in the assessment period, i.e. 2019-2024 in the prescribed data format ; HEI to provide sanction letter for government scholarship (in English) along with the list of students benefitted academic year-wise for all the assessment years duly certified by the head of HEI; It is also observed that HEI has not provided clear and legible copy of supporting documents; HEI to provide evidence of E-transfer to following students under following schemes: 1)Sarika raju diwan, (Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship ), (2023-24) 2)Anjali anil mane, (Post Matric Scholarship to OBC Students ) , (2023-24) 3)Komal kasinath dhamal, (Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Scheme ), (2023-24) 4) punam jalindar lad, (Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Scheme), (2022-23) 5)Omkar vijay bhosale,(Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Scheme), (2022-23) 6)Nikita sham sadamate, (Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship), (2021-22) 7)Jyoti anil bhosale, (Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship), (2021-22) 8)Rutuja ramesh patil, (Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh, Nirvah Bhatta Yojna ), (2019-20) 9)Pankaj kelash sakate, (Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna ), (2019-20). |
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5.1.2 Values has been updated as per the provided supporting document; HEI to provide capacity development and skill enhancement activities organised for improving students capability; HEI to provide circular, brochure ,attendance sheet, list of student enrolled, report, geotagged photo with date and caption for the following: 1) Soft skills 2)Language and communication skills 3)Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) 4) ICT/computing skills Also. |
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5.1.3 Values have been updated as per the supporting document provided by the HEI; HEI needs to provide soft copy of circular /brochure/ reports of the programs, details of resource person, geo-tagged photos with caption and dates with banners, year wise list of students attending these schemes duly certified by the head of HEI; HEI to provide syllabus, time table, attendance sheet duly signed by attendees of the following activities: 1)Reasoning Ability and General Intelligence, (2023-24) 2)NET and SET Workshop, (2023-24) 3)Career Opportunities in FM, (2022-23) 4)Career Oriented Course in Functional English , (2020-21) 5)Guest Lecture on Business Law Mr. A. S. Manjarekar, (2019-20). |
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5.1.4 It is observed that HEI has not provided ample of evidences like attendance sheet, geo -tagged photos, circulars of awareness campaign for organization wide awareness campaigns for anti sexual harassments and anti-ragging cases; It is also observed that HEI has not provided mechanism for submission of online complaints of students’ grievances through Email. |
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5.2.1 Values has been updated excluding the students multiple offers to the same students to be counted once as per the NAAC SOP; HEI needs to provide the supporting documents like admission letters, identity card, and higher degree certificates for the selected students and progressing to higher education: 1)Shejale Dakshata Nitin, (2023-24) 2)Bhishe Omkar Suresh, (2023-24) 3)More Suraj Vishnu, (2022-23) 4)Varude Shraddha Devidas, (2022-23) 5)SALUNKHE SAMIKSHA HANMANT, (2021-22) 6)Patil Aishwarya Udyarao, (2020-21) 7)Shinde Rupali Hanmant, (2019-20). |
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5.2.2 HEI needs to provide E-copy of certificates of exam qualified. |
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5.3.1 HEI needs to provide award winning certificates. |
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5.3.2 Values have been updated as the multiple activities on relatively closer dates will be consider as one and also the events cannot be split into activities as per NAAC SOP; HEI to provide circular, brochure, report, list of participant, geotagged photos with date and caption for the following sports and cultural Progammes: 1) Second Position in Handball, (2023-24) 2)College Annual Sports Competition, (2023-24) 3)41st Sangli District Level Youth Festival Participation in Skit and Street Play ,(2021-22) 4)Teachers Day, (2019-20) 5)College Annual Sports Competition 2019-2020 KABADDI (W), (2019-20). |
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6.2.2 Input has been updated as per the supporting document provided by the HEI; DVV partner observed that the screen shot provided by the HEI do not align with the requirement of metric 6.2.2. ; HEI to recheck ; HEI to provide screenshot of Hall ticket generation , Results , Students registration under Examination , screenshots of administration and Student Admission and Support hosted on institutional website highlighting the name of HEI. |
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6.3.2 Values have been updated as the financial support provided to the teachers to attend conferences/workshops is less than Rs 2000 hence it has not been considered as per revised NAAC manual; HEI needs to provide evidence of E-transfer and participation certificate of the following teachers: 1) Dr.R.S.Salunkhe, (2019-20) |
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6.3.3 It is observed that HEI has not provided the event brochures and report for any of the FDPs; HEI needs to provide the event brochures and report for each FDPs year-wise; HEI to provide participation certificate of following faculty in following FDP: 1)Dr. Uttam Pandurang Patil, (2023-24) 2)Jayvantrao Jaysing Kadam, (2023-24) 3)Ujwala Parshuram Chougule, (2022-23) 4)Dr. S. S. Lendave, (2020-21) 5)Shinde Sanjay Pratap, (2020-21) 6)Mrs. Patil Nutan Satywan , (2019-20) 7)Mr.Jayvantrao Jaysing Kadam, (2019-20) 8)Miss.Desai Pooja Prashant, (2019-20).. |
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6.5.2 HEI to provide NIRF certificate mentioning the Band, Rank of HEI; whereas HEI has provided NIRF registration form; HEI to provide academic and administrative (AAA) report in the form of minute of meeting and follow up action taken for all the assessment year duly certified by head of HEI. |
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7.1.2 Input has been updated as per the supporting document provided by the HEI; HEI to provide evidences for 1) Water conservation through bunds and tanks Water distribution system, Rain water harvesting 2) Disabled-friendly, barrier free environment by constructing ramps, lifts, Railings, providing wheel chairs, signage board, washrooms as required by divyangjan for their use (geotagged photos with date and caption) 3) Management of the various types of degradable and non degradable waste through waste segregation, incinerator; And also HEI to provide Bills for the purchase of equipments for the facilities created under this metric. |
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7.1.3 HEI needs to provide: 1. The appropriate measures taken for proper treatment, disposal, and recycling procedures, 2. Geo-tagged photos beyond the campus environmental promotion activities views; 3. HEI to provide the registration certificate of DS Energy Consultancy and services, Sangli 4. Action taken reports and achievement report as clear and Green campus initiatives. |
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